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I start this article with a thank you to the congregation that has welcomed me and my wife into your lives. In a year that feels so different for everyone, we can hold onto the love of Jesus Christ that keeps us together as a congregation. The gratitude that you have shown to Shannon and I over the past three years has been wonderful. It was a pleasure to celebrate Pastor Appreciation Sunday with all of you and I thank you for this outpouring of love and gratitude, thank you! 


We have had people in the sanctuary for several weeks and I appreciate the cooperation of everyone and especially the council and volunteers who have helped keep our protocols in place. I miss the singing and times of personal exchanges that we had in the past, but I am grateful that we can worship together in many news ways. As we approach the colder weather and the cases of Covid-19 increase, I pray that we can maintain the social distancing and mask wearing so that we can continue to worship together. Please continue to keep your distance in public as well; we are a congregation of people at high risk and we want to keep everyone safe. 


As we sit on the edge of Advent, I am trying to work on what we can do to make this Advent and Christmas season something that will have meaning and some of the tradition that is important to our faith. We already know the Cantata will not be happening, and that breaks all of our hearts, but we can try some new things this year. 


I have been in a 6-hour webinar series that is looking at ways to “Re-boot” our worship and sharing those sessions with others so we can put together an Advent season that will be meaningful and spiritual for us all. As we anticipate the Birth of Jesus, and celebrate the incarnation of our Lord and Savior, we can read the stories together and celebrate the memories and our plans for the future in our time together and apart. Remember, even when we are separated by real distance or social distance, we are really together in our love for each other and for Jesus this Christmas. 



Peace & Love

Allen L. Kahler

25701 Buck Road, Beloit, OH 44609


Tel: (330) 525-7330


Copyright © by Bethel United Church of Christ, 2021. All Rights Reserved

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