VIII. Additional Approvments
On Sep. 21, 1974 a contract was signed to trade the No. 5 Baldwin organ for a new C 630 Baldwin Organ, bench and chimes. The cost of this improvement was $4,425.00 Stained glass window and a faceted glass worship center were dedicated Feb. 13, 1977 by Rev. Rolland C. Smith, a retired pastor who is a member of Bethel congregation. In 1977, in preparation for the coming of Rev. Roy Howell as pastor, new carpeting was laid in the parsonage living-dining room and bedrooms. During that summer new hymnals were purchased. In 1978 pew cushions were purchased as well as alter paraments and alter book of worship with its stand. A new roof was put on the church in 1978. In 1979 an all new foundation planting was set to the front of the church. Extra parking space was obtained by adding parking space to the front of the church and to the west of the cemetery on land owned by Kenneth Zeller. Dale Schoeni donated 100 tons of crushed limestone for this project. In 1980, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the church, Bethel congregation will spend between $12,000.00 and $15,000.00 on improvements. This will include: replacing the wood and glass panel on the west side of the church with a stone panel and lighted aluminum cross, (This is a memorial to Reuben and Bessie Kocher); All windows will be fitted with aluminum storm windows and all exposed wood will be covered with aluminum siding; all new entrance will duplicate the present entrance; and, new concrete sidewalks will replace those damaged by frost. The history of Bethel United Church of Christ is not set alone in the past 150 years. Bethel’s history is being written now, and will continue to be written when today’s grandparents are gone and today’s grandchildren are grandparents and holding office in the Bethel Church of the twenty-first century. |